This overview has been prepared with the intent to give an understanding of the development process for the Project TriStar community. It is important to note that this is an overview and not intended to be an exact representation of the community, but rather a conceptual representation of the overall plan. The actual construction and operation of this project is being managed through the co-creative efforts of all those who are participating in the community planning and development.
This overview is divided into three phases;
Phase I: Management
Phase II: Planning
Phase III: Development

First and foremost, Project TriStar operates as a corporation and applies the same guidelines, processes, and procedures of any professional organization. As such, Project TriStar has a Board of Directors, oversight management team, financial management team, and subsystem management teams that are responsible and accountable for the entire development and operation of the community development.
In order to achieve this level of accountability and management for an organization and community of this size, which is also based on spiritual principles and universal laws, Project TriStar has established a series of committees that operate as management teams. The development and subsystem committees report to the management committee who work hand-in-hand with the financial committee. The management and financial committees, in turn, report directly to the Project TriStar Board of Directors.
It is important to note that the Project TriStar community development and all structural facilities are designed and managed with the greatest care, concern, and safety of all community members. This means that all structures conform to safety standards and are designed with engineering support to ensure they are safe and habitable.
Phase I: Management

As business and life dictate, the success of any project can be summed up by a single word "leadership". In the case of Project TriStar, the term "leadership" includes more than the abilities of organization, coordination, responsibility, and problem solving. Due to the nature of the Project TriStar community, the term "leadership" also includes teamwork, clarity of vision, rapid response, and flexibility in order to accommodate the dynamic and rapidly changing world we live in.
Project TriStar has established several management committees that are responsible for the planning and development of the community. These committees are responsible for creating the community infrastructure and development plans, research and acquisition of products and services to support the development process, creation of purchase item lists, and implementation of the development plans.
Phase I includes the following:
- Acquisition of a planning facility which is large enough to support the living and working environment for all committee members involved in the planning and development efforts.
- Interview and selection of the core committee members
- Relocation of committee members to the planning and development facility.
- These members and/or their families embody the beliefs and lifestyle that are the foundation for the entire Project TriStar community project.
- The lifestyle at this facility is a communal environment with everyone living and working under the same roof.
- These members are assigned to various committees based on their interest and expertise in the planning and development process.
- The committees establish all plans and guidelines for the community including: a development plan; lists of items to be purchased; and are ultimately responsible for overseeing and implementing the construction and development phase.
Phase II: Planning

The planning and development phase is coordinated and managed by the Project TriStar committees. Each committee has defined areas of responsibility and expertise within the scope of the entire community project. The project management committee oversees all other committees to ensure the goals and scheduling of the project are met.
Each member of the planning committees is provided with the documentation contained within this website as a scope, guideline, and/or vision of the entire Project TriStar community. This information includes: a conceptualization of the overall modular design and construction, conceptual drawings of the community infrastructure, architectural drawings of individual construction subsystems, preliminary calculations on the physical community and subsystems size in relationship to the number of community members, preliminary calculations on the construction element costs, and a preliminary planning and development budget.
The planning committees are responsible for shaping these development concepts into formal documents that facilitate the construction and operation of every subsystem of the community development. This includes: a development plan; architectural and infrastructure drawings; engineering and structural calculations, lists of items to be purchased for consumption or storage for each community subsystem; hiring of contractors, vendors, and other necessary suppliers; and oversight and implementation of the construction development phase.
The planning phase of the Project TriStar community is being completed in accordance with the community Development Timeline.
Phase III: Development

This phase of the Project TriStar community involves implementation of the community development plans and construction of the physical on-site facilities. During this phase, some committee members are responsible for contracting vendors and coordinating logistics while others continue with a variety of activities that are necessary to for the community operation, but unassociated with the actual construction.
Due to the modular design of the Project TriStar community, most of the physical subsystems and components used in the construction process are fabricated off-site by specialized subcontractors. These subsystems are designed and manufactured concurrently, in modular sections, and then delivered, installed, and assembled at the community physical location. This manufacturing approach enables the continuous delivery of completed subsystem components to the construction site and, in turn, shortens the overall development and construction timetable.
During this phase of operations, Project TriStar will gradually involve more community members in the construction process as manpower needs dictate. Development and construction of the Project TriStar community is not being projected at this time and will only be determined by the ongoing progress.
Visit our Lifestyle Overview for detailed information about the Project TriStar community lifestyle planning.