We live in an age where the buzz words of those who are seeking community have become: conscious awareness, conscious evolution, personal responsibility, and living in harmony. Most people understand what these words represent, but the application often means something completely different to each individual.
The bottom line is that everyone is unique in their skills, abilities, and understanding. This includes their understanding of spirit, communication, and community, as well as their perception of their own actions and intentions. How common is it for people to see themselves in a more positive light than that which is represented by their words or actions? And it's only natural that people may not see their own issues, insecurities, or fears until something occurs in their life that causes them to be revealed.
Ultimately, everyone is the sum of their actions. To quote a phrase "actions speak louder than words." No matter what we say, our actions reveal everything about us, and it usually takes great courage and objective self evaluation to not only see our own issues, but then to actually address them.

The term "governance" is most often associated with the concept of rules and control that strip away the rights and freedoms of the people, and for centuries this has certainly been true. But what if there was no governance? What if people were allowed the divine right of free will in every moment of every day? What if they could take any action without rules or guidelines of engagement? What if there were no social consequences for a persons actions. Does anyone really think society or mankind is ready for such freedoms?
Consider the possible actions of those who are neither kind, generous, or compassionate. Consider the possible actions of those who harbor fear, anger, and prejudice. Consider if those actions were unchecked and allowed to be expressed with free will and only the Law of Cause and Effect on a personal level. This simple explanation can reveal a myriad of possibilities that most of us would probably not like to consider.

The reality of living in a world filled with people who have unique experiences, unique ideas, and unique personalities is that there are infinite possibilities on how people could react to the application of total free will. Should people be given a chance to live such a life? Yes, absolutely and this is the goal of the Project TriStar community. But how many people can you think of right now who have shown, through their actions, that they are not yet ready for such a great responsibility?
Most people have a fear of being controlled and not having their own free will. This is a natural response as the attainment of core freedom may be the greatest gift in anyone's life. The desire for core freedom is the primary objective in the quest for power, material possession, personal healing, and even spiritual enlightenment. Until people are capable of healing, growing, and balancing their consciousness with their actions, there will always be a need for some form of governance.
What is governance?

Very simply, governance is a set of social standards, guidelines, or rules that remind people of the need to take responsibility for their actions. Such governance provides a foundation for what the collective feels or believes are appropriate and inappropriate actions of conduct.
Obviously, those who act with conscious responsibility probably don't even need to think about the laws and governance that surround their lives every day. For those who may not always act responsibly, governance may give them the feeling that their will is being suppressed through control.
The real challenge before humanity and the creation of communities, founded on natural and universal law, is how do we transition from over governance to no governance? In other words, how do we go from relying on externalized systems of governance in the form of enforcement, justice, and incarceration to the purest form of self-governance?
What is self-governance?
If the goal is to achieve the most idealistic form of governance that provides the greatest individual core freedom with the least amount of rules, guidelines, and control, then this would most certainly be self-governance.

Self-governance simply means that someone takes full (100%) responsibility for their actions to the point where they would never knowingly take action that caused damage or harm to themselves or another person. Even in today's standards with buzz words such as conscious evolution and conscious awareness, this still sounds pretty idealistic.
In other words, if everyone were capable of taking full responsibility for their actions, there would be no need for any external form of governance. There would be no need for monitoring, reporting, or externalized consequences for someone's actions.
This brings up new questions about who is capable of such self-governance. Would it require that people be mature? Would it require that people have dealt with their insecurities and fears? Would it require that people were honest with themselves and others 100% of the time? Would it require that people have healed and balanced their thoughts with their actions? Yes! Yes! Yes! and Yes!
Can any of these traits be given to someone? Absolutely not! They must be learned. Therein lies the challenge. How does any community achieve a lifestyle without governance until everyone has learned these lessons?

The first step is for every single person in the community to embody the natural and universal laws and most importantly the law of cause and effect. For anyone who has walked this path of learning, you know this can take months, years, and in many cases an entire lifetime, and still this is just the beginning. Next is for every single person in the community to live their life with a respect for all other life and life choices including the choices and paths of others. And last is accepting full responsibility for ones actions without judgment of others or the fear of being judged.
In all of life and existence there are rules. In the case of Project TriStar, this primarily means the natural and universal laws. Most notably, this includes the laws of cause and effect and free will. Governance is primarily for those who may not yet be familiar or may not yet embody these universal and natural laws.

As you can probably imagine, many adults are not ready for such an idealistic approach self-governance and especially not those who are too young to have lived through the consequences of their actions. No one expects a child to be mature enough or to have learned enough about these laws until they mature. This is why parents are required to govern their lives until they become mature. It very simply comes down to the fact that those who have not yet embodied these laws can "effect" harm and suffering to themselves and others as a "cause" of their actions.
The level of personal responsibility can be measured. How far someone has grown or healed can be measured. How much suffering someone has in their current life or cause in the lives of others can be measured. The proof of self-governance is always revealed within the manifestation in ones personal life.

Until such a time that all community members embody this understanding to a high enough level, Project TriStar will utilize guidelines and rules for acceptable conduct.
These policies and guidelines provide a basis of understanding for how the community will function as a social and spiritual environment. They provide the foundation of co-existence and creates a comfort in knowing that each and every individual has agreed and committed to a common understanding of the community lifestyle. This foundation helps to ensure that the community project can accomplish its social and self-sustainable lifestyle goals.
The Project TriStar Member Handbook provides details on the community governance. Each member will receive a Member Handbook either before or during the orientation period and will be required to sign the community agreement and commitment statement.
To project TriStar, the term "community" means helping others for their own highest good and the greatest good of the community. A good portion of this assistance is helping community members learn and embody the natural and universal laws, most notably the Law of Cause and Effect.